Reliable taxi for your hotel guests

Getting your guests around town or to airport has never been easier

Why Liftago?

  • No commitments

    We can support your existing taxi partner in case of need, or be the only solution. We'll always get you a car within minutes, no matter what.

  • Fixed prices

    For repeated destinations (such as the airport) we'll fix the prices in advance: no unnecessary surprises for your guests. You'll get a commission from every ride as well.

  • Text notifications

    Hail a ride within a few clicks and you're all done. Your guests will get a text message with the estimated time of arrival as well as info how to recognize the car.

From the comfort of your reception desk

We built a web app with receptionists and personal assistants in mind. This way, they can tap into a full range of our services easily.

  • Pick the driver
  • Easy preorders
  • Extra services

Every time you hail a ride, you can pick from multiple drivers based on previous rider's rating, estimated time of arrival, ride price and vehicle age & model. You're always in control of the quality we provide to your customers.

I'd like that

Scheduled or express rides, it's up to you. Simply set the time you want us to pick up your guests and we'll be there.

I'd like that

Multiple cars at once? Premium models only? No problem. With our web app, we got you covered.

I'd like that

Do you have any questions?

Fill out the form and we will get back to you.

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Fill out the form below and we'll get in touch!

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